Perceived constraints


Let me begin with a little story

A while ago, I read a story about how elephants are trained not to run away from their owners.

What the trainers do is tie elephants up with chains while they are young and weak. The young elephants learn quickly that they cannot break the chains or tear down the walls they are tied to. They are too small and too weak.

Later, as they grow up, those same elephants tear down walls and lug around trees all day long. However, they continue to obey their chains even though they could easily snap them.

Why do those mighty animals not run away towards greener pastures? Well, they learned a long time ago that they could not break the chains, and they stopped trying.

How does this apply to all of us?

Have you ever heard: “We tried that before.” or “This is how we always did it.” or “This could create a problem.”?

All of the above are forms of perceived constraints. We think something won’t work, but we haven’t actually tried it (or even given it a deep thought). It even might not have worked in the past, but well, guess what, the world changes – all the time.

What didn’t work in the past might be one of the greatest ideas today. Does anyone remember how Steve Balmer was convinced that phones without a keyboard wouldn’t sell? That was true at a time, but when Balmer made that statement, it was long expired.

We often limit ourselves by what we think are constraints – but are they really constraints? Do they need to be?

Some of the constraints we see are real. However, most will turn out to be learned or assumed.

Don’t hold yourself back by what you think are your constraints. Never stop re-visiting, never stop trying, never stop looking for new data or changed circumstances.

It is critical to understand your constraints. However, which of them are real, and which of them need some poking and testing to see if they still apply? Always ask what underlying factors drove those constraints and if those factors still apply. Do you have new solutions (new technology, skills, people, changed policy) at your disposal that might circumvent those previous constraints?

Of course, there are hard and real constraints as well – I can jump out the window as often as I want, I will not grow wings and start flying. However, for every constraint (or challenge) that you face, you need to clearly determine if it’s perceived or real.

If it’s perceived, discard it right away and move on. If it’s real, think about how you can work with or around that constraint.

If you face a real constraint, come up with a plan to deal with it:

  • Blocking scope – What specifically is that constraint blocking? Part of what you want to achieve or all? If it’s just a part, get started with the things you can do and take it from there.
  • Underlying drivers – What is causing that constraint? Can it be negotiated, even just for a small experiment?
  • Risk versus benefit – What would happen if you would give up the constraint? What could go wrong, what’s the worst case? Is it really so bad that you need to give up the improvement opportunity?
  • Be creative – Is there a way around a specific constraint? Can you develop a different solution to overcome the constraint?

On the point about me jumping out the window and trying to fly – if I were smart, I could take advantage of new technologies like a nice parachute.

Discard perceived constraints. Respect real constraints and work with them.

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The Five Whys

Often when we’re faced with a problem, we want to jump to a solution right away. We’re fantastic problem-solvers after all, and that’s what we’re hired for, right!?

Well, not so fast. Usually, it’s better to pause for a moment and to take the time to reflect and investigate what the actual problem is. Rather than fixing the symptom, we want to address the root cause.

The “Five Whys” model was developed by Toyota to provide a framework for structured problem-solving and root cause analysis. Its core idea is to ask “why” five times when confronted with a problem. Each “why” and its answer gets us one level deeper and one step closer to the root cause.

Of course, five is an arbitrary number – some times you get to the root cause in three steps, sometimes it might be seven. In reality, you stop when you aren’t able to find a deeper cause anymore.

To apply the “Five Whys” framework to a problem, instead of jumping to a solution, you ask yourself (or the team), “Why did this happen?”. When you get an answer, you apply the same investigation again, “So why did that happen?”. Eventually, you will get to the root cause that requires your attention. You will not treat the symptoms but rather cure the root cause.

Here’s an example of how this could work:

Problem: “We are spending a lot of time and resources on getting computers connected to the network.”

  1. Why – “Because we need to go to user’s workplaces and computers to configure their systems.”
  2. Why don’t users do it themselves? – “Because networking settings are too complicated for users to set themselves.”
  3. (Why) what makes them complicated for users? – “Because they don’t understand IP settings and are afraid to change them.”
  4. Why do they need to understand IP settings? – “Because we haven’t upgraded to automated settings through DHCP yet.”

Root cause and solution: Invest in deploying DHCP, rather than scaling up helpdesk staffing.

This is a trivial example and almost too simple to ask four whys. However, often simpler makes it clearer.

For more historical context on the model, you can read up on our trusted source Wikipedia:

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